Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.
Baptist, Historically Black Congregation
Date Founded: 1961
Membership: 1,010,000 Number of Clergy: 3500 Number of congregations: 1500
Headquarters: 601 50th St., N.E., Washington DC 20019
Schools & Seminaries: None
Core Beliefs: Standard Baptist beliefs with an emphasis on social justice and activism.
Short History:
PNBC was founded by African American Baptists, mostly as a splinter group from the National Baptist Convention with interests in civil rights action and advocacy. Many leaders of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s, including Martin Luther King, Jr., were members of this Convention. The denomination was also founded in reaction to some perceived inadequacies of the mainstream African American Baptist Conventions, such as advocacy and organization. In the PNBC officers are elected each year and can serve a maximum of four years and ordains women. To read more about the PNBC history, see https://pnbc.org/content/history-of-the-pnbc/
Local Churches:
Joshua Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church, 426 S 15th St.,Louisville, KY 40203. This church is led by LPTS graduate David Snardon.
Church Locator: None found on the PNBC website.