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Denominations - Protestant

Short profiles of selected Christian denominations in the U.S.

United Methodist Church

Mainline Protestant

Founded: 1968

Membership: 7,679,850 Clergy: 45,230 Congregations: 33,583 as of 2009

Colleges/Universities: The UMC has over 100 educational institutions in the U.S. Go to:

Seminaries: See link above

Publications: Cokesbury, Abingdon Press


Core Values:

Short History: The United Methodist Church, the third-largest church in America, continues the Methodist movement founded in the 18th century in England by John Wesley. In 1968, a long process of consolidation of various Methodist churches in the United States culminated in the formation of the United Methodist Church by the merger of the Methodist Church (1939-1968) and the United Evangelical Brethren. -- ARDA. For more information go to

Local Churches near the LPTS Campus:

St Paul UMC, 2000 Douglass Blvd, Louisville, KY 40205

Crescent Hill UMC, 201 S Peterson Ave, Louisville , KY, 40206

Church locator: