Global Methodist Church
Methodist, Evangelical
Founded: 2022
Website: https://globalmethodist.org/
Seminaries: See the denomination's list of recommended seminaries: https://globalmethodist.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Approved-Educational-Institutions-10.27.23.pdf
Publications: Crossroads
Core Values (per denominational website):
1. Remain rooted and grounded in the scriptures and in the historic teachings of the Christian church as defined in our Articles of Religion and Confession of Faith, and understood through the Wesleyan lens of faith.
2. Aspire to introduce all people, without exception, to Jesus Christ, recognizing that the mission in which we are engaged has eternal consequences. We are committed to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus in Matthew 28 to go into all the world to make disciples of Christ, teaching and baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
3. Lead all those who experience the new birth in Jesus to deepen in the faith and to grow in their relationship with Him, receiving the Holy Spirit as evidenced by both spiritual fruit and gifts that are manifested in their lives to the glory of God. We encourage all to participate in discipleship and accountability groups, such as Wesleyan class and band meetings, and to utilize all the other means of grace to achieve this end.
4. Model the love of God in order to respond to the summons to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. To this end we are committed to fulfill the commandment in John 21 of lovingly feeding and tending to the flock of God and others, worshiping God in spirit, and in truth and watching over one another in love. This the church does until, perfected in love, it experiences the fullness of God’s restored Kingdom with Christ.
5. Recognize the laity as the people of God and a royal priesthood, chosen and empowered for the work of God in this world in full partnership with our clergy. We affirm the participation and leadership of those of all races, ethnicities, nationalities, sexes, and ages in the Body of Christ.
6. Encourage and affirm the call of God in the lives of clergy who are grounded in the authoritative witness of the Scriptures, set apart by the church, and recognized to possess the necessary gifts and graces for ministry in alignment and accountability with our settled doctrines and discipline.
7. Display a “catholic spirit” to the church universal, cherishing our place within the greater Body of Christ through mutual respect, cooperative relationships, and shared mission with others wherever possible. We envision a global church in which all work together, resourcing and learning from one another, to fulfill the tasks of the church given to it by God.
8. Provide an organization and structure that is able to accomplish its primary functions of support, with a connectional polity that can empower and multiply the gifts of all for the sake of Christ’s work in the world.
Brief History:
In the late twentieth and twenty-first centuries, the United Methodist Church was badly divided (chiefly by the ordination of non-celibate gay clergy and approval of same-sex marriage). As a consequence, the Global Methodist Church was launched by necessity on May 1, 2022, not only to preserve doctrinal integrity, especially in terms of the authority of Scripture, but also to provide a faithful and lively witness to the apostolic faith. Such a grounding ensured that the four historic marks of the Church, affirmed at the Second Ecumenical Council at Constantinople in 381 AD, namely, that the church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic, would mark the Global Methodist Church in an exemplary way. -- denominational website
Area Churches: closest to the LPTS campus:
Summit Hights, 7400 Outer Loop, Louisville, KY 40228
Cedar Grove, 6904 Shibley Avenue, Louisville, KY 49291
Mt. Holly Church, 804 Mt. Holly Rd, Louisville, KY 40118
New Chapel Church, 5615 New Chapel Rd, Jeffersonville, IN 47130
Church locator:
There is no official directory as of 8/1/24, due to a large number of congregations that are not yet disaffiliated from the UMC. When this process is completed, a directory will be available. However, there is a church finder found on GMC site: https://globalmethodist.org/find-a-church-2/