Anglican Church in America
Anglican, Mainline Protestant
Date Founded: 1977
Membership/Number of Clergy: Not available.
Headquarters: There does not seem to be a permanent headquarters location. Each Diocese is headed by a Bishop Ordinary, and that person's location is the headquarters of that Diocese.
Schools & Seminaries: None
Publications: Each of the Diocese puts out a newsletter. Some are available online.
Core Beliefs: "The Traditional Anglican Communion affirms a very traditional interpretation of the Biblical teaching and Apostolic witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We follow especially closely the prayers and practice of the English church of the great reformers led by Thomas Cramner who produced the first versions of the Book of Common Prayer in the sixteenth century. Even today, our worship of Jesus Christ and our theology is anchored in the Bible and the traditional Book of Common Prayer, as rendered in various national versions since that seminal time. In the United States, the ACA uses the 1928 Prayer Book."
Short History: The largest of the seven denominations created after the 1977 gathering in St. Louis, MO of traditional Anglicans. Not affiliated with the Episcopal Church, the ACA is part of the Traditional Anglican Communion. The ACA has an inter-communion agreement with the Anglican Province of America, and is joining with that denomination, the Anglican Catholic Church, and the Diocese of the Holy Cross in a joint synod in October 2017 to establish full communion among those denominations.
Local Churches: There is only one ACA church in Kentucky, 3 in Indiana.