Christian Church - Disciples of Christ
Mainline Protestant
Founded: 1832
Membership: 639,551 Clergy: 6982 Congregations: 3624 as of 2010
Colleges/Universities: There are 15 colleges and universities in the U.S. For a list, go to https://disciples.org/higher-education/
Core Values: The Disciples of Christ, also known as the Christian Church, has no creed and gives its congregations complete autonomy in their doctrine. As a result, beliefs vary widely from individual church to church, and even among members within a church. For more information about Disciples of Christ, see: https://disciples.org/our-identity/
Short History: The family of churches known as Disciples of Christ/Churches of Christ grew out of an early 19th century movement with origins in both the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The movement in the United Kingdom can be traced back to congregations formed in the second half of the 18th century, some of which were amongst those that came together in the first "cooperative" meeting of British Churches of Christ congregations in 1842. The movement in the United States focused around three major leaders, in particular Barton W. Stone and Thomas and Alexander Campbell. Barton Stone was a Presbyterian minister who organized a revival in 1801 which is considered a significant milestone in the religious history of the USA. The experience led him to withdraw from the Presbyterian synod of Kentucky in 1803 and then in 1804 (reflecting the desire to be "simply Christian") to establish the "Christian Church". -- World Council for Churches. For a detailed history see: https://www.discipleshistory.org/
Local Church close to the LPTS campus (there are 28 congregations in the Louisville area):