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Denominations - Protestant

Short profiles of selected Christian denominations in the U.S.

Churches of Christ

Restorationist, Evangelical

Date Founded:  1901

Membership 2,000,000 Number of Clergy: 7,000 as of 2016

Headquarters:  None

Seminaries:  Lipscom University

Publications:  The Christian Courier

Website:  No official website, as each church is an independed body.

Core Beliefs: Each church is an independent body.  There is no instrumental music in worship, missionaries are supported by a local congregation and not by a multi-congregational structure.  The Churches of Christ follow only those practices mentioned in the New Testament. Not classed exactly as a denomination as there is no organizational structure, but a group of churches commitment to the restoration of New Testament Christianity. The Churches of Christ is the largest "denomination" in the Restorationist protestant designation.

Short History:  Split from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in 1901 over the issue of using instruments in worship.  The congregations that left only use a cappella singing in worship since there is no mention of musical instruments being used in the Bible. For more information go to

Local Churches:  There are 13 congregations in the Louisville area.  Three of the larger churches are:

Church Locator:

Photo courtesy of West Broadway Church of Christ webpage