Church of the Lutheran Brethern of America
Lutheran, Evangelical
Date Founded: 1900
Membership/Number of Clergy/Number of churches: 13,099/229/105 (2009)
Headquarters: 1020 Alcott Avenue West, Fergus Falls, MN 56538
Core Beliefs: "The Bible, including both Old and New Testaments as originally given, is the verbally and plenarily inspired Word of God and is free from error in the whole and in the part, and is therefore the final authoritative guide for faith and conduct." "There is one God eternally existent in three distinct persons in one divine essence, Father, Son and Holy Spirit." "The office of pastor and elder is to be filled by men only." The Sacraments are Communion and Baptism. See more at https://clba.org/about#statementoffaith
Short History:
Five independent Lutheran congregations came together to form the CLB with a church constitution based on that of the Free Lutheran Church of Norway. Missionary work began very shortly after formation and has remained an emphasis.
Local Churches: None. There are no churches within easy driving distance of Louisville.