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Syllabi and Semester Schedules from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

LPTS Course Syllabi Collection. Some syllabi are not available. These syllabi should not be considered the "official" final version.

2019-2020 Semester Schedules

Summer 2019     Fall 2019     J-term 2020     Spring 2020

2019-2020 Syllabi

NT 2073  Exegesis of Philippians
PC 2213  Group Dynamics in Marriage and Family Therapy and Congregations
PX 4153  Mobilizing for Justice: Advocacy Ministry with Children and Youth
ET 1063  History of the Baptist Churches in the United States
TH 3893  Theater and Theology
TH 4603  Islam
DM 6462  DMin Seminar II: Minister as Biblical Interpreter
DM 6464  DMin Seminar IV: Research Methods and Prospectus Writing
DM 2213  DMIN Group Dynamics in MFT
DM 6603  DMIN Theater and Theology