OT 3083 To Know the Heart of the Stranger
TH 2363 To Be Reformed
TH 4603 Islam
CE 4153 Child Advocacy in the Church
PC 3053 Professional Issues and Ethics in MFT
PC 3243 Therapy with Adolescents
SM 1013 Transforming Seminary Education
SCUPE M305 Dimensions and Dynamics of Urban Ministry
SCUPE M402 Interfaith Intensive: Dealing with Diversity and Preparing Religious Leaders for a Multi-Religious World
DM 6462 DMin Seminar II - Minister as Biblical Interpreter
DM 6464 DMin Seminar IV - Research Methods and Prospectus Writing
DM 3053 Professional Issues and Ethics in MFT
DM 3303 Performance in Preaching
DM 3243 Therapy with Adolescents
NT 1013 Elements of New Testament Greek
NT 2013 Exegesis of Matthew in Greek
NT 3053 Jesus in History and Tradition
OT 1004 Scripture I
OT 1013 Elements of Biblical Hebrew
OT 3233 Ethics of Violence in the OT
NT 4001 Reading NT Greek
OT 4001 Reading OT Hebrew
TF 1023 Introduction to Theology and Ethics
TF 1133 History of Christian Experience II
TH 2623 Calvin
TH 3533 Ecclesiology
TH 3243 Ethics of Economic Life
TH 3233 Environmental Ethics
TH 2373 Theology of the Modern West I
CE 3163 Formation in Home, Congregation, and Community
EM 3173 Paradigms for Christian Mission
MS 1062 United Methodist Polity
PC 3043 Family Therapy: Theory and Practice
PC 3022 Family Assessment
PC 4083 Human Growth & Transformation
PC 3163 Therapeutic Care of Children
PW 1053 Introduction to Worship
PW 3183 Preaching for Tomorrow
PX 2003 Practical Theology in Congregations
NT 3013 Jesus in History and Tradition
NT 3203 A New Testament Theology of Money and Possessions
TH 3113 Religion, Ethics, and Modern Moral Issues
TH 2433 Introduction to Black Church Studies
TH 370C Christians and Others
PC 3093 Ministries of Care and Counseling
PC 2433 Assessment and Treatment of Chemical Dependency
DM 6461 DMin Seminar I - Theology of Ministry: The Minister in Context
DM 6463 DMin Seminar III - The Minister as Theologian
DM 2433 Introduction to Black Church Studies
DM 3203 A New Testament Theology of Money and Possessions
NT 1003 Scripture II
NT 1023 Introduction to New Testament Exegesis
OT 1023 Introduction to Old Testament Exegesis
OT 2033 Exegesis of Isaiah
NT 4001 Reading in New Testament Greek
ET 1044 Presbyterian Heritage & Polity
ET 1052/ET1152 Methodist History & Doctrine
TF 1123 History of Christian Experience I
TH 3243 Ethics of Economic Life
TH 3403 Prophetic Preaching and Social Ethics
TH 238C Theology and the Modern West II
TH 3843 Faith, Film, and Culture
CE 3193 Art and Practice of Teaching
EM 3163 Evangelism Today
EM 3403 Evangelism and Mission in the Black Church
EM 3103 Pastoral Counseling & Ministry in a Multi-Faith Context
PC 3053 Professional Issues and Ethics in MFT
PC 3073 Sexuality & Pastoral Practice
PC 3223 Psychopathology and Pastoral Diagnosis
PW 1003 Basic Preaching
PX 20131 Practical Theology in Congregations
SM 2013 Senior Seminar