NT 101-3 Elements of New Testament Greek
NT 132-3 Letters and Revelation
OT 131-3 Torah and Former Prophets
NT 202-3 Exegesis of Mark
OT 400-1 Reading Old Testament Hebrew
PW 100-3 Basic Preaching
CM 101-3 Worship, Community and Pedagogy
PC 441-3 Practicum 1: Beginning MFT Practice
PC 304-3 Theoretical Foundations of MFT
PC 408-3 Human Growth & Transformation
PC 222-3 Abuse and Trauma
PC 303-3 Couples Therapy
PC 308-3 Theories of Change
PC 442-3 Practicum 2
PC 309-3 Ministries of Care and Counseling
TH 353C Ecclesiology
TH 110-3 Systematic Theology
TF 113-3 History of Christian Experience II
TH 282-3 Barth and Bonhoeffer
TH 232-3 Crossing Culture: Radical Traditions
TH 332-3 Restorative Justice
SM 120-1 Reflection Groups (2nd Year MDiv)
SM 130-1 Reflection Groups (3rd Year MDiv)
SM 121-1 Spiritual Integration in Clinical Practice
SM 101-1 Mosaic Symposium: Faith in Action
FE 100-1 Introduction to Mentored Reflection in Ministry
OT 131-3 Torah and Former Prophets
TH 332-3 Restorative Justice
FE 100-1 Introduction to Mentored Reflection in Ministry