NT 2093 Exegesis of Revelation
PC 3143 CPE - Clinical Pastoral Education I
PC 3253 Justice, Restoration, and Mental Health
PC 4433 Practicum 3
PX 4153 Mobilizing for Justice: Advocacy Ministry with Children and Youth
TH 4603 Islam
TH 2413 African American Religions (Cancelled)
DM 6462 DMin Seminar II
DM 6464 DMIN Seminar IV
DM 3253 Justice, Restoration, and Mental Health
NT 101-3 Elements of New Testament Greek
NT 132-3 Letters and Revelation - Asynchronous
NT 132-3 Letters and Revelation - In-Person Instruction
OT 131-3 Torah and Former Prophets
OT 204-3 Exegesis of Jonah
PW 100-3 Basic Preaching
PC 243-3 Treatment of Addiction
PC 304-3 Theoretical Foundations of MFT
PC 308-3 Theories of Change
PC 327-3 Gender, Race and Class: Engaging Intersectionality
PC 408-3 Human Growth & Transformation
PC 330-3 Chaplaincy from Wholeness
PC 441-1 Practicum 1: Beginning MFT Practice
PC 443-3 Practicum 3
EM 3383 Understanding Christian Mission Through Biography
TF 113-3 History of Christian Experience 2
TH 110-3 Systematic Theology
TH 120-3 Introduction to Christian Ethics
TH 274-3 Frederick Douglass
TH 366-3 Theologies of the Global South
TH 369-3 Latinx Religion and Spirituality
DM 369-3 Latinx Religion and Spirituality
SM 110-1 Reflection Groups (1st year MDiv, MAMFT, and MAR)
SM 120-1 Reflection Groups (2nd Year MDiv)
SM 120-2 Reflection Groups (2nd Year MDiv)
SM 121-1 Reflection Groups (2nd Year MAMFT)
SM 130-1 Reflection Groups (3rd Year MDiv) - Asynchronous
SM 130-1 Reflection Groups (3rd Year MDiv) - In-Person Instruction
SM 131-1 Reflection Groups (3rd Year MAMFT)
SM 300-3 How Should We Read the Bible? Learning from Slavery Debate
NT 2123 Exegesis of 1 Corinthians
OT 3253 God of Our Weary Years: Black Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in the USA
CM 4313 Cultivating Call
PC 3163 Therapeutic Care of Children
PC 4401 Introduction to Telehealth
TH 3113 Modern Moral Issues: Conflict and Peace
DM 6461 DMin Seminar 1: The Minister in Context: Ethnography, the Research Project, and Explorations of Race, Class, and Gender in Ministry
DM 6463 DMin Seminar 3: The Minister as Theologian
BI 1103 Introduction to Scripture for MFT Students
NT 1313 Gospels and Acts
OT 1013 Elements of Biblical Hebrew
OT 1323 Latter Prophets and Writings
OT 2023 Exegesis of Exodus
NT 4001 Reading in New Testament Greek
OT 4001 Reading in Biblical Hebrew
CE 3043 Christian Education with Children
CM 1013 Worship, Community, and Pedagogy
PC 3053 Professional Issues and Ethics in MFT
PC 3093 Ministries of Care and Counseling
PC 3073 Human Sexuality
PC 3173 Gender, Race and Class: Engaging Intersectionality
PC 3223 Psychopathology and Pastoral Diagnosis
PC 4423 Practicum 2
PC 4433 Practicum 3
PC 5001 Senior Integrative Experience
PC 5010 MFT Exit Exam
ET 1044 Presbyterian Heritage and Polity
TF 1123 History of Christian Experience I
TH 1203 Introduction to Christian Ethics
TH 3703 Christians and Others
TH 2823 Barth and Bonhoeffer
TH 3623 Black Theologies
SM 1102 Reflection Group (1st-year MDiv, MAMFT, and MAR)
SM 1201 Reflection Group (2nd-Year MDiv)
SM 1202 Reflection Group (2nd-Year MDiv)
SM 1212 Reflection Group (2nd-Year MAMFT)
SM 1302 Reflection Group (3rd-Year MDiv)
SM 1312 Reflection Group (3rd-Year MAMFT)
SM 2003 Research Methods and Practices (CANCELLED)
SM 3003 Big Question Course: Evil
MAR 501 MAR Oral Exam
MAR 511 MAR Thesis