NT 2023 Exegesis of the Gospel of Mark in English
TH 3533 Ecclesiology
TH 4603 Islam
ET 1063 History of the Baptist Churches in the United States
PC 2213 Group Dynamics in MFT
DM 3313 Preaching, Black Lives Matter, and Pastoral Leadership
SM 1013 Transforming Seminary Education
DM 6462 DMin Seminar II: Minister as Biblical Interpreter
NT 1013 Elements of New Testament Greek
NT 2063 Exegesis of 1 Corinthians in Greek
NT 3123 Interpreting the Resurrection Accounts in the NT
OT 1004 Scripture I
OT 1013 Elements of Biblical Hebrew
NT 4001 Reading NT Greek (Cancelled)
OT 4001 Reading OT Hebrew
TF 1023 Introduction to Theology and Ethics
TF 1133 History of Christian Experience II
TH 3663 Theologies of the Global South
TH 262C Calvin
TH 3623 Black Theology
CE 3053 Multiple Intelligences in Christian Education
PC 3043 Introduction to Family Therapy
PC 4083 Human Growth & Transformation
PC 3033 Couples Therapy
PC 3163 Therapeutic Care of Children
PC 3083 Theories of Change
PW 1053 Introduction to Worship
PX 20031 Practical Theology in Congregations (Section 1)
PX 20032 Practical Theology in Congregations (Section 2)
PC 4413 Practicum 1
PC 4423 Practicum 2
TH 2323 Crossing Culture: Radical Interpretation and Witness in the History of Christianity
PW 2503 The Art of Presence: Creative Worship for the People of God
CE 3083 Teaching the Bible in the Church
EM 3113 Making Disciples: An Introduction to Mission and Evangelism
DM 3113 DMin Making Disciples: An Introduction to Mission and Evangelism
DM 6103 Interpreting the Passion Narratives
DM 6461 DMin Seminar I: Theology of Ministry: The Minister in Context
DM 6463 DMin Seminar 3: The Minister as Theologian
DM 3103 Aging and the Life Cycle
NT 1003 Scripture II
NT 1023 Introduction to New Testament Exegesis
OT 1023 Introduction to Old Testament Exegesis
OT 2013 Exegesis of Genesis
NT 2043 Exegesis of Gospel of John in English
ET 1044 Presbyterian Heritage & Polity
TF 1123 History of Christian Experience I
TH 3843 Faith, Film, and Culture
TH 3323 Restorative Justice
TH 2823 Barth and Bonhoeffer
TH 2291 Camino de Santiago Travel Seminar
EM 3383 Understanding Mission and Evangelism Through Biography
PC 2433 Assessment and Treatment of Chemical Dependency
PC 3073 Sexuality and Pastoral Practice
PC 3053 Professional Issues and Ethics in MFT
PC 3173 Gender, Race and Class
PC 3223 Psychopathology and Pastoral Diagnosis
PW 1003 Basic Preaching
PW 3183 Preaching for Tomorrow
PX 2003 Practical Theology in Congregations
SM 2013 Senior Seminar: Identity and Ethics in a Digital Age