NT 101-3 Elements of New Testament Greek
OT 131-3 Torah and Former Prophets
NT 206-3 Exegesis of Romans
NT 123-3 Epistles & Revelation
OT 400-1 Reading Biblical Hebrew
PW 100-3 Basic Preaching
CM-101-3 Worship, Community and Pedagogy
PC 243-3 Treatment of Addictions
PC 304-3 Theoretical Foundations of MFT
PC 308-3 Theories of Change
PC 405-3 Grief and Bereavement Among Historically Marginalized and Oppressed People
DM 405-3 Grief and Bereavement Among Historically Marginalized and Oppressed People
PC 327-3 Gender, Race, and Class: Engaging Intersectionality (MDiv Students)
PC 317-3 Gender, Race, and Class: Engaging Intersectionality (MFT Students)
TH 383-3 Practicing Our Faith
PC 408-3 Human Growth & Transformation
PC 441-1 Practicum 1: Beginning MFT Practice
PC 442-3 Practicum 2: (Register after completing Practicum 1)
TH 110-3 Systematic Theology
TH 321-3 Medical Ethics
TH 383-3 Practicing Our Faith
SM 300-3C Big Question Course: Won't You Be My Neighbor?
TH 243-3 Introduction to Black Church Studies
SM 120-1 Reflection Groups (2nd Year MDiv)
SM 121-1 Spiritual Integration in Clinical Practice
SM 130-1 Reflection Groups (3rd Year MDiv)
NT 131-3 Gospel and Acts
OT 132-3 Latter Prophets and Writings
OT 101-3 Elements of Biblical Hebrew
NT 209-3 Exegesis of the Book of Revelation
BI 110-3 Intro to Scripture for MFT Students
NT 400-1 Reading in NT Greek (Revelation)
NT 401-4 Queer Biblical Interpretation
TBD Interdependent Preaching
PC 309-3 Ministries of Care and Counseling
CE 320-3 Children's Literature
CM 432-3 Youth and Intergenerational Ministries: Reimagining Ministry to African American Young People
PC 307-3 Human Sexuality
PC 322-3 Psychopathology
PC 442-3(0) A Practicum 2 or Practicum Continuation: Group Supervision (Section A)
PC 442-3(0) B Practicum 2 or Practicum Continuation: Group Supervision (Section B)
PC 442-3(0) C Practicum Continuation Practicum 2: Group Supervision (Section C)
PC 442-3 (0) D Practicum Continuation Practicum 2: Group Supervision (Section D)
PC 501-0 MFT Exit Exam (Potential May 2024 graduates)
PC 500-1 MFT Senior Integration Experience
TH 120-3 Intro to Christian Ethics
TH 388-3 Theology and Popular Culture
TH 450-3 Judaism
TH 451-3 Theology and Disability
ET 104-4 Presbyterian Heritage & Polity
TBD Evangelism and Mission
SM 120-2 Reflection Group (2nd Year MDIV)
SM 130-2 Reflection Group (3rd Year MDIV)
SM 121-2 Spiritual Integration in Clinical Practice
SM 200-3 Research Methods and Practices
SM 300-3A Big Question Course: Attention
MAR 511 MAR Thesis
DM 432-3 Youth and Intergenerational Ministries: Reimagining Ministry to African American Young People (DMIN APC course)