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E. M. White Library: About Us

Remote Resource Access

Access to remote library resources is available to current LPTS students, faculty and staff only.

To find out how to access online resources remotely, click here.

ATLAS for Alums:  LPTS alumni, however may access ATLA Serials (ATLAS) for alums, a database that indexes and offers full-text to 370+ journal titles. If you are an alum, please contact us at for login credentials.

Click here log into >> Atlas for Alums

Circulation, Book Check Out

Anyone borrowing library materials agrees that it is their responsibility to:
•    Return item(s) by the specified date and time
•    Ensure care for the item by returning it in the same condition as it was when checked out
•    Pay replacement costs if the item is damaged, lost, or stolen while borrowed

Library Card
All LPTS students, staff, and faculty should use their LPTS ID card as their library card. Those who do not have an LPTS ID should contact the Louisville Seminary Communications Specialist.
All others should use the barcode/library card issued to them upon registering for a library account. 

Patron Type Loan Period* Max # of Loans
Student 28 days 75
DMIN 45 days 75
Faculty 90 days 75
Staff 28 days 75
Alumni 28 days 10
Metroversity 28 days 10
Public 28 days 10

*Holds placed on items may limit loan periods including renewals. See Recalls below.
Audio Visual (CDs DVDs)
Audio Visual materials may be borrowed for 14 days and may be renewed for an additional 14 days.

Non-Circulating Items
Some materials in the library do not circulate; that is, they may be used only in the library. These include serials/periodicals, reference books, microforms, and items from Rare Book Room or the Archives.
Reference books should remain in the Reference Room. Reference books may be taken briefly to the photocopiers without special permission but should be returned to the reshelving cart in the Reference Room when copying is completed.

An item may be recalled from a borrower after it has been checked out for two weeks. Recalled items must be returned within three days of the recall notice, after which the borrower’s account will be placed on hold until the item is returned.

Library Spaces

Visitors to the library are encouraged to make use of our space within the library and to browse the book stacks, reference room, computer lab, and study rooms.

Study carrels, however, are assigned to students. Students interested in getting their own reserved carrel should click here.


Laptops are available for checkout to LPTS students. They may be checked out for library in-house use or may be taken off campus for the semester.

Contact the Help Desk at for laptop checkout and additional loan details.

Bulletin Board

General Information

  • All postings for display must be approved by E. M. White Library Professional Staff. 
  • Posted materials will be inspected twice each week; unapproved items will be removed.
  • Organizations responsible for any damages from posting will be held financially responsible.
  • For special displays, contact the Public Services Librarian.  

Content Rules

  • Posted materials must align with the mission of the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
  • Materials promoting commercial products or services are not permitted.
  • Slanderous materials are not permitted.
  • All materials must provide the name of the organization sponsoring the event.
  • Notice size (physical dimensions) may be restricted to maximize available space.
  • Notices will be removed when they are no longer timely or when space is required for more current items.