What's new at the Library?
Need access to equipment to create a professional-quality project? The library now has a new Production Studio. To learn more about the production studio see the Production Studio page.
The Presbyterian Historical Society has announced that the Katie G. Cannon Digital Collection is now complete. Dr. Cannon was a leading voice womanist theology. Her prolific outtput as a womanist theologian and educator can now be accessed online, including nearly 500 sermons, draft writings, poems and works of visual art. For more information, click on the title of this announcement above. To access the collection, go to Katie G. Cannon Digital Collection.
Image courtesy of the Katie G. Cannon Digital Collection.
Hispanic Heritage Month has started, and in celebration, the library has created and posted a new Latin American Theologies Guide. This guide lists book and eBook highlights of Latin American theologies, history and culture. Check it out by going to https://lpts.libguides.com/LatinAmerican
The library created and posted new Queer Theologies guide to the library webpage.
See this comprehensive guide for guidance to the wide array of library's current LBGTQIA+ and queer theology resources.
LPTS Alums!
Please note that the log in credentials to the database, ATLAS for Alums have been changed. Contact library staff at library@lpts.edu or call 502-992-9398 for updated log in information.
Many of you may already know Burton, as he joined the E.M. White Library in the fall of 2020 as Public Services Librarian. We look forward to Burton's leadership at the library and further contributions to the LPTS community. Congratulations Burton! For more information, see the Louisville Seminary press release.
Handy tip for access: Creating a personal account using your LPTS email account on the Chronicle of Higher Education website will allow you to automatically connect with our institutional license. Simply click on "Sign In" at the top of the page. This will make access to full-text articles easy!