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E.M. White Library Services

Morgan Discovery Library Account

Morgan catalog accounts

Why would I want a Morgan Account?  Morgan accounts allow patrons to:

  • Request an book to be pulled to be held for pickup.
  • Save your searches,book lists and more. Don't recreate your searches over and over again. Save your search and your eBook/online journal/article links in one place!
  • Keep track of what books you have checked out.

Note: Don't confuse this account and sign-in link for Remote Resource Access (getting to full-text eBooks and articles)

How to set up a Morgan Account:

  • Go to Morgan at
  • Click on  "Sign In," located at the top left corner of the screen
  • Click on "Set/Reset Password"
  • You next will be prompted to put in your username -- for most, this will be the first initial of your first name followed by your last name.
  • The system will send a message to the email address associated with your account with a link that will enable you to create a password [as this is an autogenerated email, it may go to your junk mail so check there if you do not see anything in your inbox.] 
  • If you need to verify your Morgan username or email address, contact us and we can provide that information.

Setting up a Morgan account how-to video