Oskar George Aichel
Richard William Anderson
Charles Edward Angell
Carl Christoph Armiger
Donald Ferguson Ball
Richard Vernon Beesley
Raymond Edwin Belcher
Robert Lee Berkey
Morgan Henley Biggs
Robert Henry Bullard
John D. DeSanto
Gale Mechlin Dunham
Peter Alexander Eckert
Charles Theodore Egbert
William Bertelle Eyster
Charles Richard Frissell
James Arthur Fry
Thomas William Gyori
George Henry Hardy
Leonard Lynn Hood
Aaron Dean Hyde
Dean Edward Klontz
Richard Shelby Mobayed
Franklin Leon Morgan
Donald Darst Newhouse
Stanley James O'Loughlin
Malcolm Lee Peel
Lewis Thomas Rawlings
Ronald Albert Reinhardt
Syngman Rhee
Cas Marshall Robinson
Peter D. Salerno
Charles William Schulze
Charles Gordon Smith
John Durkee Spaulding
Christian August Tirre
Yang Sool Tohe
Herman William Vassey
Tom Vincell
Edward Chris Wicklein
Dale Alan Withers
James William Young
Clyde William Allen
Richard Lane Andrist
Harley Duane Aslyn
Don Duane Ball
Hugh Barr Berry
Thomas Joseph Bumpas
John Lawrence Callahan
Galvin Mixon Carmichael
Ralph Logan Carson
Thomas Willets Clayton
James Watson Colvert
Harold Mason Hendren
Ralph Hensley
Sidney James Hormell
John Wesley Kays
James Herbert Kennedy
Harold Warner LeMert
Robert Hatfield Loreaux
Richard Wilbert Lovingood
Luke Herlickson Markve
Robert Lee McLeod
Helmer William Peterson
Dora Emma Pierce
Frederick George Reed
Thomas Edward Reed
Leo Raymond Schmidt
Edgar Patton Shackelford
Alvin Theodore Sharp
Douglas N. Stubblefield
John William Stull
Dale Leon Watson
Philip Julian Weiler
Hugh Lawrence White
Robert C. Williams
Robert Bynum Albritton
Robert Mortimer Baker
Frank Edson Bean
Donald Leslie Bell
William George Benninger
George Venable Beury
Charles Lorraine Blanchard
Tipton Lawrence Britner
Raymond Cecil Brown
Rex Edwin Brown
Redes Robert Cameron
David Bertram Conley
David Wesley Crockett
Robert Henry Crumby
Wayne Henderson Davis
Clayton Denesio Fairo
Nelson Woodward Finley
Elbert Edward Gronseth
Glenn Paul Hargis
Roosevelt Haynes
Maurice Byers Hibbard
Fredrick Randolph Horner
Smiley Eugene Johnson
Richard Eugene Jones
Don Paul Kastner
William Jefferson Kaylor
Charles Ray McAuley
Donald Bruce Newroth
Glenn Russell Ramsey
Robert Holmes Richardson
James Perry Robinson
Marvin Louis Roeder
Frederick Allen Sams
Madhukar Ramchandra Sojwal
Charles Edgar Somervill
Kerry Edwards Spiers
Brian Robert Tansey
Daniel Oskamp Whallon
George David Belford
Warren LeRoy Bock
Theodore R. Chumley
Gilmore K. Creelman
Roger Lee Dean
Charles Norman Duddingston
Leif Edward Erickson
James Cecil Erwin
Philip Oscar Evaul
Clarence George Hagman
Richard Wayne Hettrick
Robert Lee Hummel
Washio Ishii
William Maurice Jarvis
P. Allen Jump
William Eugene Kercheval
Frank Wayne Leeper
LeRoy R. Lindsay
Joseph Clay Meux
Leslie Wayne Miller
Keith Arthur Morrow
Edward Williamson Mullins
Otis Guy Oliver
David Hamilton Parks
Gary Elzy Pennington
Harold Lee Ping
Gordon Herbert Pixley
William Robert Polland
Aron Hiroshi Sato
Malcolm Kay Shields
Edgar Wright Smith
William Raiford Strickland
Walter Horton Swetnam
Jerry Lee Tabler
Ray Dalton Teroy
William Edward Thompson
Gerald Merton Wheeler
John Brand
Orville Lee Brotherton
John Alexander Daniel
William Jay Davis
Robert Duggan
Robert Horace Fernandez
Douglas Bruce Fry
David Leland Gilmore
Gary Walter Hall
Leo Van Howard
Robert Gordon Lawrence
Bruce Andrew Macbeth
Edward Hugh Mesta
Richard Milton Moon
Guy Newland
Wayne Allen Patton
James Douglas Sawyer
Vernon Wright Seaton
Bjarne Harry Spurrier
Thomas Martin Lenord Wade
Thomas Carl Wentz
Douglas Ralph Acker
Thomas Fife Adams
Michael Martin Adkins
Edwin Willard Albright
Gordon M. Alford
Fred Herman Anderson
Fahim Aziz
Emett Holloway Barfield
Robert Elmo Barrie
Jerry Hubert Binns
Herbert Vickerman Brownlee
Robert Raymond Bugbee
Bobby Charles Carson
Lucius Beddinger DuBose
Thomas Nick Fenger
Evan Daniel Fisher
Daniel Lawrence Force
John Wayne Graham
Edwin Lester Hankla
Robert Thomas Hill
Walter Ned Hollandsworth
Samuel Gakuhi Kibicho
John Kenneth Kimberlin
Lewis Koerselman
John William Krausser
Charles Fredric Kriner
Chester Peter Lippy
Richard Gordon Matchette
Robert Todd McLaughlin
Howard William Moffett
Che-Min Pae
Richard Park
Morrill Dean Patton
Lewis Eugene Pelkey
Fred William Quigley
Fred E. Schafer
Ralph Edward Siehl-Dowell
Gerald Eugene Stalnaker
James Ransom Stewart
Harold Milton Stone
Charles LeRoy Strawn
Owen Evans Tucker
Hendrik Gerard Wapstra
William Hawthorne Wiggins
Reese McMullen Wills
We have no photo for this class. If you have one we can scan, please contact the library at 502-992-9398 or copyright@lpts.edu.
Ralph Judson Alford
Douglas Lee Barnes
Robert Clayton Briley
Kenneth Alfred Churchill
Albert Vincent DeHaven
Glenn Walter Dimmitt
Charles Marion Fugate
Alan Ray Good
William Harris Hefelfinger
Harry Faren Heiser
Lawrence Ervin Jackman
James Lewis Johnson
Thomas Darrell Kennedy
William Wagnell Kenney
Keith Arnold Kensinger
James English Layman
Clarence Chuan Kang Liang
Charles Hutton Moffett
Gerald Stanley Noel
Reginald Victor Parsons
Joseph Edward Quinn
Charles Webb Reid
William Evans Rogan
John Harvey Rogers
Alan Roger Schneider
David Allen Sharp
Thomas Lee West
Louis Franklin Zelle
We have no photo for this class. If you have one we can scan, please contact the library at 502-992-9398 or copyright@lpts.edu.
Herbert Irvine Bates
John Barton Begley
George Bernard Bretz
Robert Stuart Brown
Harry Lee Clark
Albert Sidney Crigler
James Edward Cushman
Terrence Harman Davis
Arthur John DeYoung
Robert Leroy Drew
James Blakely Eblin
John Howard Edington
George Benjamin Edmonson
Ronald Duncan Elly
Louise Hussey Farrior
Terence Kelland Hedg-Peth
Donald Eugene Heeringa
Robert Edwin Hoffman
Raymond Leon Humphries
Richard Carl Johnson
Carlisle Verner Lloyd
Henry Russell Mabry
James Robert Marlowe
Warren Clarence Martinson
Robert Kirkland McAllister
Joseph Carroll McCown
Gerald Sypert Nash
James Edward Nimmo
Alfred Lewis Perkins
William Scott Phillips
Robert Quinton Pierce
Arthur Lee Potts
Kyser Cowart Ptomey
Roy Edwin Rabatin
Fredrick Charles Sanner
David Arthur Schieber
FrankLyn Henry Schroeder
Eugene Richard Singh
Charles Rea Spencer
Harry William Spickler
Rollin Hart Tarter
Ernest Leon Thompson
Louis Siegfred Thompson
Thomas Peter Vanden Bosch
Jean Louise Willis
We have no photo for this class. If you have one we can scan, please contact the library at 502-992-9398 or copyright@lpts.edu.
LaMorris Alvin Young
Robert Charles Clifford
Robert Milton Close
Gerald Roger Cobleigh
Coburn Lee Colwell
David Melvin Crow
John Courtney Eaton
Charles William Evans
Alice Adair Prewitt Fretwell
Steven Berry Hampton
Willis Floyd Kearns
Louis Halpin Keeley
Charles Jerome Kerns
Charles Henry Klar
Raeford Rodney Love
Nelson Eugene Lumm
Kenneth David Riley MacHarg
Jack Eugene Marsh
Arthur David McChesney
John David McClure
Bryce Lee McGowan
Douglas Walter Orbaker
John Bell Pierce
Albert B. Randall
Russell Owen Rasco
John Edward Santosuosso
William Paul Walden
Ogden Watson White
Guy Hartley Wilcox
We have only an entering class photo for this class. If you have a graduating class photo we can scan, please contact the library at 502-992-9398 or copyright@lpts.edu.
Robert Lee Agnew (top row, third from left)
John Dean Barklind (middle row, first on left)
Vedder Jay Brocker (not pictured)
Donald Patrick Chamberlain (not pictured)
Donald Russell Clarke (middle row, fourth from right)
Robert Craig Countiss (not pictured)
Timothy Lent Croft (not pictured)
Donald Wesley Drewry (not pictured)
John Martin Duncan (top row, seventh from left)
David Vickers Dupee (middle row, sixth from left)
William Shafer Erwin (top row, first on right)
Robert Lee Hanson (not pictured)
William Maupin Harris (not pictured)
David Neil Henderson (top row, fourth from right)
Bruce John Howe (bottom row, third from left)
George Franklin Hupp (middle row, first on right)
Robert Weaver Kennedy (middle row, third from left)
Benjamin Granville Lenhart (not pictured)
Thomas Painter Luce (bottom row, second from left)
John Nicholas Mager (top row, fourth from left)
James Bruce Martin (not pictured)
Joseph Mbaabu M'Ikunyua (top row, sixth from left)
Paul Miyakoda (not pictured)
Shane Douglas O'Neill (not pictured)
Gorman Manley Parrish (not pictured)
James Victor Rackley (not pictured)
Marvin Lee Ramer (bottom row, first on left)
David Robert Sawyer (bottom row, second from right)
Bruce Billings Scott (not pictured)
William Penn Shackleford (middle row, second from right)
John Richard Stahlman (middle row, fifth from left)
Richard John Walter (top row, third from right)
Harold Ray Waters (middle row, second from left)
John Dampier Weisinger (top row, fifth from left)
Harold Eldin Wells (not pictured)
Ware William Wimberly (not pictured)
William Jacob Zacharda (not pictured)