Harry Watson Alexander
William Sanford Behrick
James Leslie Bell
Robert Morris Buchanan - Diploma
Edward Phay Downey
Charles Rellstab Howell
William Montie Johnson
John Blackwell Lindenberger
John Millen Looney
John Hardin Marion
Wallace C. Merwin
Alfred Nisbet Moffett
Frederick Herman Olert
Albert August Panhorst - Diploma
John Edward Parse
Harmon Bigelow Ramsey
John Benson Sloan
Charles Franklin Stewart
Samuel Russell Vanover
Walter Kenneth Waters - Diploma
Glen Albert Williams
James Brent Wood
A diploma was granted to practicing clergy who pursued additional coursework or to lay men wishing to learn more about the bible, theology, or Christian education.
Raymond David Adams
William Ireton Bell
Julian Mamion Bemiss
Pinkney Jefferson Garrison
Flynn Gammon Humphreys
Robert Ira Long
Lacy Vance McPherson
Herbert Alfred Melville - Diploma
Thornton Austin Moore
Paul Clarence Morton
William Fridell Orr
Willard Alexander Peak
A. Garland Rotenberry - Diploma
Josiah V. Roth
Stuart Hansell Salmon
William Morgan Swartzwelder
Paul Patterson Thrower
Alvarico D. Viernes
Herbert Harris Watson - Diploma
John F. Williams
Raymond Lee Wilson - Diploma
Carl Andrew Winters
John Sherman Yelton
A diploma was granted to practicing clergy who pursued additional coursework or to lay men wishing to learn more about the bible, theology, or Christian education.
William E. Cassell
Benton Paul Deaton - Diploma
Louis Wesley Drake
Clyde Clayton Foushee
Sidney Austin Gates
Warner Leander Hall
John Kimbrough Johnson
Edwin Frederick Kagin
Johannes Frederick Linde
Everett Pierce Moye
Alfred Carl Petersen
Eric McCabe Rule
Eugene Feland Smathers
Kenneth Franklin Snipes
Henry Samuel Stout
Joseph Tanner Sudduth
William Waring Travis
Isidore Ormond Woodall
Enoch Beverly Wooton
A diploma was granted to practicing clergy who pursued additional coursework or to lay men wishing to learn more about the bible, theology, or Christian education.
Louis Lee Barr
Francis Harold Daniel
David Gwilyn Davies
Fred Harrison Eastman - Diploma
Rudolph Friedrich
Alexander Henry
John Durrett Hungarland
William Robert Jacoby - Diploma
Merl H. Kennedy
William J. Organ
James Everett Savage
Alton Jewel Shirey - Diploma
Yater Tant
Elwood Leon Temple
Veto Ancona Venezia - Diploma
Manuel Jesus Zaldivar - Diploma
A diploma was granted to practicing clergy who pursued additional coursework or to lay men wishing to learn more about the bible, theology, or Christian education.
Haver Cecil Currie
Dorsey Daniel Ellis
Chauncey Valentine Farrell
Miles Allen Freeman
Wilmer Russell Gilmore
Theodore M. Greenhoe
Frederic Hezekiah Heidelberg
Joe Ed Hollis
William Triplett Hunt
Charles Edgar Stanberry Kraemer
Hugh Robert Miller
Robert Anderson Potter
Everett Aulman Powell
Emmet Earl Stidham
George Bird Talbot
Charles Henry Ward
Charles Franklin Bruce
James Allen Cabaniss
Paul Milburn Edris
William Clayborne France
Norman Brantley Gibbs
William Archer Hearn
Paul Tudor Jones
William Tinsley Kennon - Diploma
Walter Dale Langtry
Glenn Allen Maxwell
Wylie Kenneth Mills - Certificate
David Frank Murphy
Kenneth Arthur Neuber
Milton Prentiss Reid
Frank Gault Robertson
Robert William Scott
Paul Leslie Sherrill
Gibson Roland Sims
August Herman Wessels
Certificates were awarded to students who had not finished their undergraduate degrees before completing their seminary studies.
A diploma was granted to practicing clergy who pursued additional coursework or to lay men wishing to learn more about the bible, theology, or Christian education.
William Gerard Bensberg
Dayton J. Castleman
Landern Childers
Joe Stanley Faulconer
Taft Aye Franklin
Paul Leslie Garber
Oscar Leland Gilmore
James Marvin Gregory
George Thompson Hubbard
Albert Leland Jamison
Richard Polk Keeton
John William Lewis
Barney Ellis MacLean
Theodore Kennedy McDonald
Andrew Earl Newcomer
James Arthur Overholser
John Irvin Rhea
Stafford Sidney Studer
Fred Phillips Turner
George Henry Vick
Charles H. Collisson
Albert Joseph Conley
Joseph Russell Cross
Stuart Clark Henry
John Michael Hughes
Howard W. Kipp
Walter Howard Lee
John Christian McQueen
Ralph LeRoy O'Dell
Robert Abbott Pfrangle
Chester Phillips
Arthur Michael Schneider
Woodrow Wilson Thrower
William Byrd Venable
Hubert Peyton Waddill
William Winfield Winter