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OWL - Online Writing Lab: Study Tips

Collection of short tutorials created by ASC, the Academic Support Center staff, to help students successfully execute the writing requirements at Louisville Seminary.

For When You Are Running Behind

  • Don't allow yourself 10-15 minutes to "warm up" before studying. Get down to business and stay at it for at least 30 minutes but no longer than an hour and a half. Studies show that alertness declines after an hour or so of hard mental work.
  • Take a 5-10 minute break after every hour of study.
  • Some of the best times to study are immediately after a lecture class and immediately before a discussion class.
  • Try to arrange your schedule so that you study the same subject every day at the same time. This daily routine develops habits that facilitate getting down to work and concentrating.
  • At the end of the day spend five or ten minutes getting organized for the next day. This can save you hours of wasted time the next morning. It also gives you a sense of "power" over your life and schedule.