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Doctor of Ministry: Best Practices and Hints for Formatting the Project Report

Best Practices and Hints for Formatting the Project Report


  1. Cite sources as they are found.

    Create an ongoing bibliography listing all of the bibliographic information for each source. Also create the shortened form, the bibliographic format. Include the accessed date for all websites accessed.

  2. Check that the line spacing is double.

    In Microsoft Word, go to Home, in Paragraph click on the Line and Paragraph Spacing button (it will look like a button with an up arrow and a down arrow underneath it. Choose 2.0.

  3. Check that the line spacing before and after each line is zero (0).

    In Microsoft Word, go to Home, in Paragraph click on the Line and Paragraph Spacing button (it will look like a button with an up arrow with a down arrow underneath it, choose Line Spacing Options, Under Spacing, make sure that the number for Before and After is zero (0). Press OK when done.

  4. If it is not included in the footnotes, then it is not listed in the bibliography.

  5. Double check all hyperlinks to ensure that they work. In Chicago Style, the link is not underlined and the hyperlink is removed. In APA Style, the hyperlink may be included in the bibliography.

  6. Use the “En Dash” between numbers, for example, 6-10, should be 6–10.

    In Microsoft Word, this shortcut should work: press and hold the Ctrl key and the Num - key from the number pad on the right side of the keyboard. Do not use the underline key, doing so will decrease the size of the screen display. To increase the screen display size, press Ctrl and the + (plus) key next to the backspace button on the keyboard.

  7. Quotation Marks: be sure to use these quotation marks “text” not "text"

  8. Apostrophe: be sure to use this apostrophe God’s not God's

  9. Make sure that all of the bibliographic information is included in the footnotes and bibliography. The QC Supervisor reviews every footnote to check the formatting and whether all of the necessary components of the citation is included.

  10. After your Project Report is reviewed by the QC Supervisor will send it back to you with the Tracking feature in Microsoft Word enabled. This feature will facilitate the library staff’s review of the changes made in the document. If the feature is not switched on:

    In Microsoft Word, go to “Review” on the top menu, click on “Track Changes,” then choose “For Everyone.” After the changes are made to the document, save a copy for yourself, then send the document via email to the QC Supervisor, Bobi Bilz,

  11. Do not use the Heading Styles in Microsoft Word.

  12. Do not add content to your project report after your Readers have approved it.

    If content needs to be added, then you must re-submit your project report to your Readers for approval.